Interviews and podcasts are part of the deal in being a writer. We often say we write for ourselves but it sure is nice to get our words out into the world, and being an invited guest on a blog, CCTV, or podcast is always an honor and a great way to expand our reach into new audiences.
Each host has a theme or a vibe they adhere to. I've done interviews that focus on my experience as an equestrian, fiction author, journalist, or social connector. I enjoy learning what the host found interesting in my background for their readers/viewers/listeners. As fun as these interviews are, I always feel they are incomplete, there was more to my story. I wondered if anyone could get a complete picture of me as a person and as a writer.
Enter Candy O'Terry's podcast, "The Story Behind Her Success." Candy is a Boston radio icon and has interviewed over 1000 women including Mariah Carey, Crystal Gayle, Erin Brockovich, Valerie Harper, and so many more incredible, amazing, fantastic women. Candy does what so many interviewers don't; she delves into the alchemy of nature and nurture that made these women who they are.