Getting a less than stellar rating on a book is not an author's favorite thing. Neither a book nor an author can be all things to all people. If a rating is accompanied by a well-written and insightful review, we can learn from it and move on. If that "meh" feedback is on the first book of a series, chances are pretty good that the rating giver won't move on to the rest of the series.
Well, live and learn.
The Charity has received its share of five star reviews, so when a two star rating on Goodreads popped up without a corresponding review, I chalked it up to experience and didn't dwell on it. That is, I didn't give it much thought until after I compared books with the rating giver. I determined that my book wasn't her thing, and moved on.
That was three years ago. Last month, the second book in the series, The Troubles, received a four star rating from that same person!
And last week, the final book in the series, The Wake, received a five star rating from you-know-who.
So, thank you, Goodreads Reviewer, whoever you are. If you read this, I would love to hear why you came back to the series and why it grew on you! But you could be the shy type and don't want to talk too much. No worries. I understand.
Overall, I just want to thank you for clicking that little star button and giving me the feedback you did. So many readers don't bother to do even that!
So, if you're one of those readers who don't rate or review books, please know that authors really appreciate them.
It's summer reading time. Make an author happy with a little click! Thank you!