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Monday, October 10, 2016

Independent Publishers of New England Annual Conference

Friday, October 21 to Saturday, October 22
Portsmouth, New Hampshire Sheraton Hotel
If you don't know about the Independent Publishers of New England, you should. 
Workshops & Panels
IPNE believes in the value of hands-on, practical knowledge transfer in a variety of formats targeting diverse learning styles. That's why they are designing a smorgasbord of pithy interactive and hands-on sessions for you to choose from. Check the Conference registration page for the latest! I'll be helping authors perfect their presentation and interviewing skills with a workshop on Friday.

IPNE's theme this year is, "Collaboration Is the New Competition." They are planning a special collaborator-matching program at the Conference, so let them know: How do youcollaborate to produce, publish, and market your books? What services or assistance would help you most? What talents and skills can you offer others? Sharing knowledge is power!